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Going Green: Guide to recycling, climate.
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Ever wondered how much “nature” your lifestyle requires? You’re about to find out. The Ecological Footprint Quiz estimates the amount of land and ocean area
HOW BIG IS YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT?? Before thinking about efficient ways to reduce our impact on the planet, we need to know exactly how much our different behaviors
About the game; Frequently asked questions; Credits; About the game What would the world look like if everyone lived like me? Welcome to Consumer Consequences, our
carbon footprint calculator worksheet
Carbon Footprint Print Sheet Carbon FootprintGoing Green: Guide to recycling, climate. Consumer Consequences | Sustainability.
Ecological Footprint Quiz by Center for.
ISCFC: how teachers take the challenge.
PRINT; EMAIL; Terms and Vocabulary: CARBON FOOTPRINT-The total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by a person, household, event, or organization.
Travelfootprint launches new Kids' Zone for kids! Designed for ages 5-16, Kids' Zone includes worksheets, games, quizzes, and videos which explore the issues around
Going Green: Guide to recycling, climate.
Going Green: Guide to recycling, climate change, global warming, sustainable living, homes, solar wind power, sustainability, reducing carbon footprint, pollution
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Carbon Footprint
carbon footprint calculator worksheet
Carbon Footprint Classroom ActivityISCFC: Calculate your footprint.
TEACHERS: do you want to have your high school/secondary school classroom take the challenge? ISCFC students use our student-oriented Carbon Footprint Calculator
